Monday, November 25, 2019

Abusive Husband essays

Abusive Husband essays The Abusive Husband An Approach to intervention by David Currie was written primarily for service providers who are undertaking to provide service to abusive husbands and partners. The purpose of this manual was to provide information and direction for designing and implementing an intervention program for abusive husbands which emphasizes the safety and protection issues for the woman. The article discussing the following themes: The women may have to leave the relationship for the reasons of safety and protection. They do not want the marriage to end rather the violence. The mens treatment programs began in the 70s. The manual discusses those frameworks that are currently in use and also points out the draw back related to some of them. What framework does the mens program use? Psychological problem based framework The manual argues that reducing wife assault to a pshchological problem, ignores the social context in which violence occurs. This model consists of three overlapping sets of casual and perpetuating factors that reflect the view of wife assault, which are: Attitudes, values regarding women Ineffective counseling resources The manual discusses how programs should be devised. The programs should consist of an assessment phase. This phase is important because it will provide the facilitators with the relevant information needed to deal with the underlying issues of abuse. After the assessment, the manual talks about the breakdown of ten sessions. It is an ongoing group program. It is a very well written manual. The manual describes in detail the differences between frameworks that only deal with psychological reasons for abuse in contrast to programs that deal with the reasons of abuse from a social context. The manual goes in depth about the psychological profile of an abuser. Finally it breaks down in ...

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